Wood Product Signs
Wood Product Signs
Ordering Information
Ordering Information
Terms and Conditions
Full payment is due at the time of proof approval. Wood Product Signs (WPS) will not begin production of your order until full payment is received. Acceptable forms of payment are MasterCard, Visa, check or cash. Government entities are allowed 30 days from the time their order has been invoiced to make full payment unless previously agreed noted. If the customer has a previous working relationship with WPS, different payment arrangements can be made.
Please be advised that invoices not paid within 30 days of invoice date are subject to a 1.5% monthly finance charge.
All sign designs, proofs, sign images, website images, logos and any other item obtained from WPS are of intellectual property of Wood Product Signs. Customers are not granted the right to use any of the above mentioned except in business and dealings with WPS.
WPS will provide a proof of your sign order once the order has been made. It is not standard to receive a proof of a sign for an estimate inquiry.
WPS requires proof approval prior to production of your sign order. WPS allows two changes to your sign layout, per order. If you require any more than two changes to your order during the proofing process, WPS reserves the right to charge a fee of $25.00 per change. If your sign order is large in quantity, WPS reserves the right to charge a $25.00 fee per change after more than one proof change. Proof change fees can be increased or decreased at the discretion of WPS.
If the customer supplies artwork for a sign order, it is the customer’s responsibility to make every effort to provide WPS with clean, workable artwork. Vector artwork is necessary for routed signs. The customer may supply vector artwork as an .ai, .eps or as a vector pdf. If the customer is providing a file to be printed as a digital graphic, we will accept a high resolution .jpg, .tif or raster pdf. The customer shall email the files to WPS or make other arrangements to deliver the files. WPS reserves the right to charge an artwork fee to clean up any artwork to make the file router ready. The fee is at the discretion of WPS. Our art department may be able to convert your raster files to vector for routing purposes for a fee. When providing an ai file, all fonts and strokes must be converted to outlines. We do not accept .gif or .png files. Our art department can provide custom artwork for your sign order. In this instance, the customer must inform WPS they would like a custom design to make arrangements. WPS's art charge for custom art work begins at $65.00 per hour and may increase at the discretion of WPS. If you need more information about our art guidelines, please contact us.
WPS highly recommends that new orders are submitted in writing via email, fax or mail. WPS encourages customers to proof read all content prior to submission. Changes to spelling and layout or signs may be made during the proofing process. Once the proof has been approved, any and all errors of the sign are the responsibility of the customer.
WPS is not responsible for any damage that is inflicted to your sign while in transit. If a customer notices damages that were inflicted during transit, it is the customer’s responsibility to note any and all damages and capture photo evidence of the damage. WPS will accept evidence of damages and handle accordingly.
Warranty information. - Coming soon!
WPS shall not be held responsible for any damages resulting from improper usage/handling/installation of any and all products and materials provided by Wood Product Signs. Any damages inflicted by improper installation and usage are the responsibility of the buyer. It is the buyer’s responsibility to obtain proper installation and handling methods prior to receiving their signage.
If needed, you may cancel or make changed to your order at any time prior to proof approval. Once the order has been approved, you may not make changes to or cancel your order.